Thursday, May 17, 2012

Best Day Ever

So today was the best day ever. It might not seem like it was, but it was. I took the AP world history test. It was awful and I probably bombed it, but that’s okay! Then I ditched 8th (why would I go after taking that monster test!?) and went home. I then watched say yes to the dress with my mom then got ready to go to my ortho appt. I hate the orthodontist. He sticks his hand in my mouth, and then when he is done he likes to slap my check with his spittey hand. I don't mind my own spit; I just don't like it all over my face... Anyway, when we were leaving we went to our white van and my mom uses the remote to unlock it and it doesn't unlock. We were both like "Crap Crap Crap the battery might be dead." So she sticks the key in and twists it and it still won't unlock. So I run over and try to unlock it from the other door (this door's auto-lock system sucks anyway and usually doesn't lock or unlock) and the car alarm goes off. My mom tries to put the key in the ignition to stop it, when we realize that it's not our car. Our actual white van is two spaces down, unlocked and unharmed. So we drive away super embarrassed to go to the Wal-Mart (yes I shop and Wal-Mart and am not a sexist hick. IT'S POSSIBLE!) To buy hairbrushes (I accidentally dropped my mom's in the toilet on mother’s day and broke my hair brush in half on Friday). We get there and begin to shop because my mom realized that she needed popcorn and jell-o for a co-worker. We get the stuff and then walk past the bra's. We saw a sexy bra on sale and it was my size and cheap, so I said what the heck and decided to buy it. We go to the garden center to check out because it is closest to the van and usually only has cute old ladies checking out items. We get in the garden center with my sexy new bra on top of the toilet paper and I look up and see it is a cute-ish teenage boy checking out. It was awesome. Well that's my day for you.



Saturday, May 12, 2012

Long Time, No Dig

Sorry! I have been crazy busy and my life has been an absolute mess lately. I feel like I've been punched in the gut a bunch of times and had a dash more of crazy added to my life cereal. So first I have been studying (I know right.) like a mad woman for my ap world test and it is about it kill me. I don't understand how they can take the entire history of the world from the beginning of time until now and condense it into some ridiculous test that I am going to take. I don't have the capacity to remember that much! Second, due to my personality (the fact that I rarely express any kind of emotion and just shove it into a small emotions bottle that resides inside of me) I have an emotional break down every 3-5 years. The past three weeks have been that emotional breakdown. I basically drove all my friends away for some unknown reason and have been a total brat. So if you fall under that category of people I need to apologize to, here it is: I am very very sorry and please still tolerate me. So I have been going through phases of this emotional release starting with and independent and happy phases, led into a phase of utter rage, then to super crazy, then top it off with a whole lot of tears. It’s good to get it all out, but the process sucks. Now I should be good though! So hopefully things will go back to hunky dory right in time for summer! Well, here's hoping. I hope you have had a less hectic and crazy month (has it really been a month?) or so. Here's the best to you!