Friday, June 22, 2012

Drug Bust

So to begin, here's some background. I live in the a very quiet town in the state of Utah. As you might have guessed, about 70% of the people are Mormon. Well someone from the 30% that aren't (and don't get me wrong, I love people outside of my religion. My two best friends aren't members of my church and I love them to death) moved into the rental house next door. They happen to be spice (the drug, not the herb) makers. For the past 6 weeks they have gotten their garbage collected and inspected and undercover cops have staked out in my backyard at 11:30 at night to watch their actions. Last night my family hears a "bang bang bang! SEARCH WARRENT OPEN UP!" over the next four hours 15 cops and drug dogs wandered around their house while my mom and I listened and watched from windows trying to not be detected. All I heard was their two kids (yes, the drug makers housed 2 children) talking to the police. At midnight when this whole shebang ended, two guys were in shackles and were driven away in cop cars. The two children went away with one of the regulars over there and the three cop cars, along with about 15 cops drove away. It was a wild night and my family is glad that it happened because we all now feel a bit safer. Today, while my family was walking back from our neighbors (different neighbors and not the drug makers) a lady from over there with a cigarette in hand yells to my parents "My neighbors suck!" Really lady? Really? How old are you? YOU shouldn't have been making drugs in the first place! It's not our fault that you broke the law. Anyway, my parents didn't say anything back, being the good natured people they are. If it was me, I would have said "Hey! Mine too!" or "Not my fault you broke the law" or "Hey lady! Grow up and stop being a boob!" or "You shouldn't smoke, it's not good for 12 year olds." maybe the last one doesn't make a ton of sense, but who cares! Gah. People. It would be great if they weren't all stupid and crazy. That is all! Hope you all are doing well and don't live next to drug makers!
Love yam! (apparently ya is not a word, this is what MS word recommends)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Summer! with a hint of gospel

So it's finally summer and it has been great! Last Thursday my buds Tad and Alex and I went to Roy to get a burger from burger bar and go to Dilly Dally's to get cheap-o sunglasses. That is the only time I have spent with both of them at the same time in a long while. It was great, but it was different then how I imagined. Life is weird like that. Anyway, I turned 16 since the last time I posted, and I must say, I'm not really good at it. I haven't been on any dates and haven't gotten my license. It will all come in due time though I guess. I also went to EFY during the first week of summer and that was really fun. I my groups name was the will-doers, and we were nuts. It was great. For all of you who don't know what EFY is, it is a week where LDS youth go and learn about the gospel and play games and junk. Here is a link to a website that tells about the theme of the EFY and other things about the Latter Day Saint (or Mormon) church. It's a great religion and it is true and everlasting. So I encourage you to browse and learn and all that great stuff. Have fun!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Best Day Ever

So today was the best day ever. It might not seem like it was, but it was. I took the AP world history test. It was awful and I probably bombed it, but that’s okay! Then I ditched 8th (why would I go after taking that monster test!?) and went home. I then watched say yes to the dress with my mom then got ready to go to my ortho appt. I hate the orthodontist. He sticks his hand in my mouth, and then when he is done he likes to slap my check with his spittey hand. I don't mind my own spit; I just don't like it all over my face... Anyway, when we were leaving we went to our white van and my mom uses the remote to unlock it and it doesn't unlock. We were both like "Crap Crap Crap the battery might be dead." So she sticks the key in and twists it and it still won't unlock. So I run over and try to unlock it from the other door (this door's auto-lock system sucks anyway and usually doesn't lock or unlock) and the car alarm goes off. My mom tries to put the key in the ignition to stop it, when we realize that it's not our car. Our actual white van is two spaces down, unlocked and unharmed. So we drive away super embarrassed to go to the Wal-Mart (yes I shop and Wal-Mart and am not a sexist hick. IT'S POSSIBLE!) To buy hairbrushes (I accidentally dropped my mom's in the toilet on mother’s day and broke my hair brush in half on Friday). We get there and begin to shop because my mom realized that she needed popcorn and jell-o for a co-worker. We get the stuff and then walk past the bra's. We saw a sexy bra on sale and it was my size and cheap, so I said what the heck and decided to buy it. We go to the garden center to check out because it is closest to the van and usually only has cute old ladies checking out items. We get in the garden center with my sexy new bra on top of the toilet paper and I look up and see it is a cute-ish teenage boy checking out. It was awesome. Well that's my day for you.



Saturday, May 12, 2012

Long Time, No Dig

Sorry! I have been crazy busy and my life has been an absolute mess lately. I feel like I've been punched in the gut a bunch of times and had a dash more of crazy added to my life cereal. So first I have been studying (I know right.) like a mad woman for my ap world test and it is about it kill me. I don't understand how they can take the entire history of the world from the beginning of time until now and condense it into some ridiculous test that I am going to take. I don't have the capacity to remember that much! Second, due to my personality (the fact that I rarely express any kind of emotion and just shove it into a small emotions bottle that resides inside of me) I have an emotional break down every 3-5 years. The past three weeks have been that emotional breakdown. I basically drove all my friends away for some unknown reason and have been a total brat. So if you fall under that category of people I need to apologize to, here it is: I am very very sorry and please still tolerate me. So I have been going through phases of this emotional release starting with and independent and happy phases, led into a phase of utter rage, then to super crazy, then top it off with a whole lot of tears. It’s good to get it all out, but the process sucks. Now I should be good though! So hopefully things will go back to hunky dory right in time for summer! Well, here's hoping. I hope you have had a less hectic and crazy month (has it really been a month?) or so. Here's the best to you!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mean Mr. Mustard

Ah! I still have a blog I have to post to every now and again! hmmm stories, stroies... Okay I've got one for you. My Drivers Ed teacher is horrifying (if you went to viewmont, you probably know who I'm talking about). On monday I went to school feeling pretty good and ready for the day until I realized that I had brought all of my B day stuff instead of my A day. I had left my Dr. Ed binder at home. I didn't sweat it though, I would just take the notes in my other binder and we would be all good. I went to ap world and biology then to Dr. Ed. Right after the bell rang my teacher said to pull out our binders as we would be having a binder check. I mentally slammed my head on my desk. When he called my name, I sheepishly went up and said in a scared voice "I don't have my binder today..." and he went off "Abby (he always says your name before he gets mad) you need to bring your binder everyday and you know I don't except late work, but if you bring it in on Wednesday, I'll see what I can do." See what he can do? He's the cussin teacher! He can do whatever he want. Anyway, he wasnt there on Wednesday or today so I have to go in tomorrow to talk to him. I'm super scared. I don't think anybody should be able to inflict this much fear into little teenagers. I'm very much dreading it. Oh well, the worst he can do is yell at me and I can handle that. Wish me luck though!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Oh, It's You Again?

Hello everybody and Welcome! So I check my blog and my sister's blog when I'm procrastinating. ( I bet you are here procrastinating too! (or looking for your porn site as stated in previous blog posts). I thought I might get you even more off track with all of my favorite waste-time sites! Fun right? Right. (Oh! and it’s in a list!)

That’s pretty a lot right? Well I have a lot of homework I don't want to do. And of course I do kill a lot of time on all mighty facebook. Yes, I do have a facebook and yes, I am guilty of checking it often. and for all you hipsters out there, we all know that you don't have a facebook just so you can act all above it and all that jazz. Meh, more power to you. Just don't get all uppity about it. Dang hipsters...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

20 Years, a Tribute

Okay, so this is a pinch overdue. On March 20th, my parents had their 20th wedding anniversery. And it also so happens to be 22 years since they met eachother. My mom walked into the neighborhood Albertsons and saw my dad and did the whole teenage girl "Dang, he is fine!" and it so happens that one of her friends new the handsome man and set the two up. After that, my dad was over  at her house almost everyday, making her and her friends breakfast and helping my grandma with chores and what not. After two years (to the day) of dating and becoming best friends, they got married. They are such a great example to me of what a great and healthy relationship is. They are the best parents anyone could have asked for. And they made some dang great children. I love you guys so much! and Here's to another 20+ wonderful years of marriage!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

He Must be Stopped!

Okay, so I'm going to try something new. I'm going to go all political on ya'll! Now, usually I HATE politics and everything about them, but this struck me. I feel the need to share it and get it out there!
Okay, so first, watch the video. This whole thing will make a lot more sense if you do, and the guy can explain it way better than I ever could. You've watched it? Alright cool. So take a couple seconds and thing about all the thing ( I call them middle class white people problems) that you have complained about today. Here are some of mine
1. Dang! Why do I have to wake up early every morning!?
2. My bed is to warm too get out of!
3. Why do I have all this homework!
4. I don't want to wait in line for food!
5. I don't want to go to my last period!
6. I'm tired
7. We have nothing to eat!
and the list goes on and on. But as you have seen from the video, our problems are so much less than theirs. We need to help our fellow man. We must pull together and make a statement! and who knows, this could define our generation! We can stop Kony in his tracks and save all those millions of people. I know our lives aren't perfect and we have our own concerns and all that jazz, but come one. We can at least take 30 minutes out of our day and raise awareness about this horrendous issue. We can do it! We don't want to look back on this and tell our future generation of how we almost helped or how we were thinking about it, we want to say how we raised awareness and stopped a murderer/ rapist/ crime against humanity. I know we can. I believe in America!
Much love and apologies for the preachy-ness

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Well a better brains is are you brains a brains! - Homer Simpson

This is my older sister Ellen getting a pop for our mom. Cute right!?

100 views!!! Yes. I feel so successful! Well so I am determined to make this year awesome. It's the last year of the world (haha just kidding, I don't believe in that), and mainly because I am turning 16! I'm planning on bettering myself. Like right now, I am off soda for lent. I'm not necessarily doing it for the actual reason of lent, I just wanted to see if I could do it. For as long as I can remember we have had soda at my house (see above picture). But for 40 days I am going to be soda free! As terms and conditions, my definition of soda is: a sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring. Which discludes all lemonade or non carbonated drinks that happen to come in a can. Its been a bit hard, because when you go to restaurants and stuff, you can't get a root beer. Which is what I miss most. I just ignored it until it was gone. This should teach you a less on cherishing what you have. Wait, no it shouldn't! This is about me missing pop! Not saving your relationships! oh well. do whatever you want.
The End.
Much Love,

This will be our year...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is It Summer Yet?

Answer? No. I wish it was though. It seems as though summer has been coming later and later every year. BUT it will be here in 95 days. Or at least that when school gets out. Which makes me think of the song below. So for those of you who don't know me yet, I am not a winter person. I like to be able to run outside and not have to worry about grabbing a jacket or freezing my buns off. Summer just has so much more freedom then winter. And in my opinion is a lot more fun. You don't have school, or have to worry about the snow or about if it will snow or not. Summer also has a way of bringing a happier and more optimistic mood. Well folks, it will be here before you know it. So let’s just keep hope and not go crazy mmkay? mmkay.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Here It Goes Again. (also a song by ok go)

Day two and I already have 28 hits! That seems like so many! But then again, my url is very close to the url of a porno website as I was informed this morning (I don't go porn seeking, just so you know, but I don't judege. That much.). But, whatever your reason for visiting, Thanks for stopping by! This morning I was thinking of things that, when they don't happen in public, I am really happy about. Here is my list:
1. Getting song lyrics wrong
2. anything that has to do with gas of any kind
3. Sneezing a messy sneeze
4. have your contact freak out
5. noses bleeds, or so I'm told
6. when your voice cracks
7. falling down anything
8. wedgies
9. getting something in your eye
10. cramps.
Pretty relatable ay? I thought so too. Its just those things you are really glad that people won't judge you by because you are all alone. And its not like you are going to be offended by yourself. Oh the mircles of the everyday.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Its Time to Play The Music...

So welcome to my blog/life! Hopefully this will  be a lot more interesting then i am anticipating... but if not, it will always be fun to point out my spelling errors. Lets make a game out of it, shall we? Oh, right, so inspiring story about why I wanted to start a blog. Yeah, I don't really have one. I just was bored and decided it was about time I did something technologically savy. Well, this will be fun right? Right. Okay, strap on your seatbelts, because here we go!